Question is....what can we do about this. Should'nt there be a governing body withing the Government that picks and chooses employees, a whole revamping. I would definately join in to help get that started.

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Decentralized ways to effect change are needed.

Non violent protest is key. Gandhi drove the British out of India that way. Poor as it is, in India the legal system is showing signs of life with regard to the medical tyranny, signs not showing up in wealthier places like Europe.

Jury nullification might help too, imo. This could be useful in the case of protesting paying medical, debt and utility bills where they are unreasonable, and in nullifying other unjust laws too.


And of course making the criminal laws as they are work as they are intended in the case of medical tyranny and murder by injection is critical now.


also of interest:

‘Big Win for Free Speech’: 5th Circuit Upholds Texas Law Holding Big Tech Accountable for Censorship


Compensation is in order


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The British left only after they installed their globalist systems. Nothing is as it seems. None of the recent large protests have done anything to slow the agenda. It presses onward to 2030, unabated. Inflation, surveillance and the silencing of dissent are all on a steady rise, every where. Our food, air and water are still being chemically poisoned, as are the schools and airwaves with their degenerate mind viruses.

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I remain unconvinced. Meanwhile, all the aforementioned problems just keep on truckin'

I don't trust politicians, what they say or what they "do"

LA is taking federal money just like every other state. As long as that continues, we're all free-range slaves on the government tax farm - sheeple to be herded and culled.

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"The Great Reset project came at us too fast and we quickly saw it for what it was. While it was being rolled out through COVID most went along to be good neighbors. As I’ve argued in the past, acquiescence to the insane lockdown rules didn’t come from most people being sheep willingly herded into concentration happy camps. It came from a sense of wanting to be seen as cautious members of a community during a public crisis.


Everett Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory is applicable to politics as well as products. The idea being that it takes around 16% adoption for a new technology, ideology, etc. to have the potential to become something bigger. This was made popular by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Tipping Point.


Looking around social media and the headlines of protests around the world by the working class, which the managerial class of over-educated midwits despise to the core of their being, you can see we’re very close to if not past the 16% tipping point.


They can feel the whole project slipping away and this has to be nipped in the bud before it spreads into what Rogers called the ‘Early Majority.’ To that end this is why they were so hard on “vaccine hesitancy,” and launched the wars on Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine."


The Great Reset is Dead, Long Live the Great Reset


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A vast over-simplification of the problem overall as i see it. These people own everything. Courts, legislatures, military, election commissions, hospitals, churches, schools, infrastructure, real estate, banking, corporations, police and the mass media. Did i miss anything there? They own it all.

I also don't buy into any conjecture that "they feel the whole project slipping away" because there's nothing that's stopped the progress. It waxes and wanes like anything else, but over the last hundred years there's a steady climb of totalitarian measures foisted on the public. And it's all been planned long in advance.

They bask in the luxury of their mansions behind gated walls with public and private security insulated from the deleterious effects of mass civil uprisings and laugh at our silly protests. "The People" must return to work and normal activities lest they lose their jobs and homes and families. It's not even a close match.

They play the long game and can easily wait us out.

Theories and promises mean nothing if there's no verifiable and positive results. I'm not seeing that.

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"It all sounds very blackpilt, doesn't it? It all sounds absolutely hopeless. But one thing I would encourage people to take a lot of encouragement from so much of what they do and we're seeing that currently in Richard D halls case it's about controlling us. It's about controlling our in this case, access to information. So the question is why? Why do they spend so much time and effort and money Trying to control us? Or the point that the? The obvious answer and the clear answer is that because they are scared of us. They're frightened of us Because, in reality, we have all the power. They have none. Their entire Globalist structures are a facade. They're based upon our belief in their authority. So we allow them to tell us what to do. Now, the moment that we, in significant numbers, stop doing that and ignore them and no longer allow them to tell us what to do, it is over it. That's finished. They've lost because they cannot control 8 billion people. The only way they can do it is through trickery, propaganda, coercion and force. And if it comes down to force, if push, you know, so be it. And regrettably, and let's hope it never does. But if they've pushed does come to shove, they cannot defeat 7.8 billion people. They lose, they always lose. So their whole Game is a charade. And once we understand that they have no power, they have no authority, we have it all and then we can start."

Iain Davis, from


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The CDC is privately owned like the Federal Reserve. Reform is impossible, we just need to abolish both (Deep State) institutions.

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Before the CDC conspired to take away freedoms it targeted people suffering with chronic pain via its opiod prescribing "guidelines". Fentanyl crossing the border is the problem, not doctors treating pain. Note INCREASED fentanyl deaths since the crackdown on pain

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So some of the truth comes out, simply said, CDC IS STRICTLY A DEMONCRAT, IT ISN’T about TRUTH, it is about demoncrat narrative, and the pushing of same. They need to be COMPLETELY INVESTIGATED, WHO TOOK MONEY, DEFUND CDC, THEN BREAK THEM APART. We can never and will never trust them again, all need to be investigated, all the media, anyone that accepted money to push the lies, all accepted bribes and need to be JAILED.

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