Some people prioritize community over truth. I, like you, prefer it the other way around. Life without friends is tough, but life without a constant commitment to truth is meaningless. Find your truth, and real companionship will follow.

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Agreed. I have seen my friend group changed dramatically since I began researching vaccines in preparation for making my film, The Greater Good. (greatergoodmovie.org) some folks don't want to know. But life without truth or self respect is not a life worth living, IMHO.

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Big Brother would have us believe that its community vs individual liberty. The problem is that the "community" he has in mind is a bunch of Malthusian oligarchs carrying out a depopulation agenda.

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This is one of the best pieces I've read on the current situation, the madness of the self-righteous ignoramuses impervious to facts, and our duty to refuse to comply. You have led the way. Thank you!

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Thank you for this, and thank you for all you do. I cherish our U.S. Constitution and every time I get on an airplane, I thank you for your fight to remove these idiotic counter-productive perfomative slave masks.

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Relatedly-- something I have been sharing with those who "don't do video"-- and with my most sincere admiration and gratitude to you, dear Leslie Manookian:

Leslie Manookian, Founder, Health Freedom Defense Fund— What is YOUR Line in the Sand?

August 3, 2021



LESLIE MANOOKIAN: Hi everyone. Leslie Manookian of Health Freedom Defense Fund here with you today with something really important to talk about. And that is bodily autonomy. Bodily sovereignty.

If you look back a couple of days ago, Department of Justice issued an opinion, merely an opinion, stating that it was legal, twisting Congress' intent in their legislation, to mandate experimental Emergency Use Authorized products. And this was clearly a political move designed to pave the way for dozens of corporations to mandate the shots for their employees, and that's exactly what happened.

First of all, New York City, and California, and the Veterans Administration mandated for all their employees the same day as the DOJ opinion. And then, a couple of days later, or a day later, a dozen companies, Walt Disney, Google, FaceBook, Netflix, Walmart. So many companies are mandating it.

And it's clear that this was all coordinated. I mean, connect the dots. I don't think it's a coincidence that it happened all in the same week.

And it's to basically turn the heat up on all of us, and to make it very, very difficult for those who choose independence and freedom to live a normal life, to be able to move freely, to do anything you want. So these corporations think that if they can force their employees to get the shot, it will make those who don't want the shot comply or quit and then they can be pushed to a corner of society.

And here's what I want to talk to you about. And that is body autonomy. There is nothing more important. It's more important than freedom of speech, folks.

To have control over what we put into our bodies. This is insane, this idea that a corporation or a government can tell us what we have to put into our bodies. And if they can, we are no more than a cow in a confined animal feed operation. That's what we are! Think about cows, they inject them, they administer drugs to them, they do whatever they want because they are an animal. Because they are not a sovereign human being.

But we are sovereign human beings. We have dominion over ourselves. We have control of our bodies. And if we cede this ground, we are nothing but nothing but slaves. That's the truth. We are slaves if they can force you to put an experimental medication into your body, or any medication, or any food or any drug. No one should be able to tell us how we keep ourselves well. They shouldn't be able to tell us that we have to use chemo or radiation if we want to use something holistic, if we want to use a different method.

They can't tell us that we have to inject ourselves or our children with something in order to get an education, have a job, provide for our families, earn an income. If they can tell us that, it's game over, folks.

So what I want you to do is to draw your line in the sand and say no. My body is my body and I will decide. I will choose how I keep myself well.

You can't tell me that I have to get an abortion, can you? You can't tell me that I have to cut my right arm off to come and work for you, can they? They can't tell you that you have to take anti-depressants. Why are we allowing them to intrude into our personal, private lives in this manner? Why is this being forced upon us, literally foisted upon the public? Why is there a coordinated effort among the media, governmental agencies, and big businesses to foist this agenda on us?

It's because it's an agenda. It's not about health, it's not about your well-being. It's about an agenda. And this agenda does not end well. That's all I can say, folks. We either stand up and say no, or we will lose everything which we hold dear.

So I beseech you, draw your line in the sand and just say no.



[edited to add link to video]

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Thank you for your kind words and your support. If we all stand for truth and decency, things will rapidly change.

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Well, she's right about one thing.

We are the enemy.

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It's sad it has come to this but yes, it's true. I believe we are in the midst of a self sorting process that will only continue.

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We are not the enemy. The enemy are the communists around the world, otherwise called "the left" and the fascists in the global capitalism cartel that make up the World Economic Forum, 1200+ of the biggest banks, investment funds, and multinationals in history who have formed what can only be described as a transnational criminal cartel, all in bed with the Chinese Communist Party and are using Covid-19 public health terrorism, along with climate change terrorism and hoaxes, to smash up the world from Australia to Zimbabwe and make China and its partners in the World Economic Forum cartel richer, while impoverishing all of the rest, and attempting to force global fascism on the world through this process, which will reduce the majority of humanity back to serfdom, while the neo-monarchies of the United Nations-World Economic forum fascist public-private cartel attempt to rule us all through things like the W.H.O, the ESGs, the SDGs and the Net Zero banking alliance.

We are not the enemy.

But these billionaire psychopaths and their partners are the enemies.

And any daydreaming sheep that are acting as good Nazis because they are too stupid to think it through and realize we are in the middle of a war are unfortunately equally as much the enemies as the psychopaths.

An enemy is someone that seeks to destroy that which you are, to take what you have, and to destroy your rights and freedoms.

They are the enemy.


Ivan M. Paton

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You are an awesome person, so brave and perseverent. Thank God for people like you!!!

I would say that B, as a public spirited person who lacks the independence to think critically, has been masterfully weaponized by Big Brother to silence others. You handled that with much patience and generosity.

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I am humbled by your kind words. If I am remembered as a good and decent person, I will have lived a good life.

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Leslie, you are a strong person, dedicated to your principles. The greatest hypocrisy I have found among my most ardent liberal friends is how rabidly they want to quash other's personal freedoms. The very people who fight so hard for personal choice over their bodys, throw it all away in the face of hysteria. People have lost their minds. Keep up the good fight. Sending you love and strength. BLVR

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Thanks BLVR - I appreciate your kind words of support and your friendship.

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This is one of the best pieces I've read on the current situation and our duty to refuse to comply. You have led the way. Thank you!

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The utter closed mindedness of the covidians is astounding. I have several people in my life with whom I have to remain mostly silent and who greet any remarks related to the failure of the "vaccines", their side effects, covid's mildness, etc with complete rejection. The total inability and unwillingness to even consider other points of view is truly bizarre.

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Thanks for the courage to stand up to the cancel culture. I always have to smile when I see blanket statements like ID being one of the worst states re: COVID. I have been tracking the reported Covid cases and deaths from the beginning of the attack (from official sources so they must be taken with a big grain of salt) but even using those sources ID was 18th out of 51 tracked states or districts (sorted smallest to largest) in cases per 100,000 population (which is what masks were supposed to prevent). We had fewer cases per 100k pop than CA, MI, CO, MA NJ, NY RI, LA, NM and IL many of which had very severe masking restrictions. I have worked in many clean rooms during my career and masks were only used to protect the product from human contamination (always bacteria). Viruses are much smaller. Using masks to try an stop a virion has been likened to stopping mosquitos using a chain-link fence. Keep up the good work.

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THANKS (is not enough) for all you do Leslie! Trailblazer extraordinare! This commentary from Laura Matsue, is definitely food for thought as to why we just cannot reach some people. I've had this conversation with oh so many people, and I do believe Laura is onto something in what she says.

(Sorry, 1st link was the wrong one, Great anyway, but here's the right one!) https://www.bitchute.com/video/RSBbePkxQW9B/

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Thanks for sharing and for your lovely words. I'll check out this video.

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Also wanted to bring this to your attention, although you may already be well aware of it.

Reiner interview in the last couple of days re: the British Columbia class action lawsuit.

It's been pending and probably under the radar for many.

Truly hoping something comes of this. Since it's in "certification" mode right now, we should have an idea soon. https://www.bitchute.com/video/8lG4QaPT1jkp/

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BRAVA, Leslie!! 👏👏👏

What a phenomenal lesson in practicing patience, grace, and kindness even while holding firm to your integrity, commitment to preserving our liberties, and grounding in scientific evidence and objective reality.

I’d say she would be a great candidate to answer my “30 Questions for a Narrative Believer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/30-questions-for-a-narrative-believer), but I know she’d just say, “Absolutely no interest.” 😂

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Margaret Anna, she'd be a great candidate indeed - but I doubt she'd ever read it as she's already possessed of Righteous Certitude! LOL.

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"They have become so persuaded by the mainstream narrative, fear porn and sensationalism that they genuinely believe those who have different views are actually enemies."

"Dehumanization of others is a crucial component of the psychological methods utilized against the populace to justify the persecution, segregation, abuse and genocide of human beings. It is perhaps the most insidious weapon deployed against the people in the past three years to ensure good people turn a blind eye to the suffering – and rights – of others."

Well said.

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New subscriber. Appreciate your perspective. Generally a frustrating experience trying to have a rational conversation with people on this topic. One area that I have struggle in my own thinking is the concept of this being a communicable disease. Pretty clear to me people should be able to decide how to treat their own cancer but I struggle to come up with a convincing counter argument to the claim that 'if I am a potential threat to your health simply by being in the same store - then I have the obligation to take precautions (masks, vax, etc) to ensure I am not infecting you". My viewpoint is neither masks or vax are effective at reducing the threat and, in general, there is no effective way to stop an airborne virus. We have seen that as even with all our interventions - everyone has gotten it.

We generally have very poor understanding of how these infections work (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2130424/). On the other hand - I certainly don't think I have 'the right' to infect other people around me.... Why people react to this differently than the flu is another issue - but how do you think about that issue ?

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It's a totally bizarre way of framing things. It takes something that is normal and natural and beyond our control - being human, getting infectious diseases, passing those diseases on - and makes it the equivalent of a crime. It's not a "right" to infect others, nor is it a "right" to be free from the possibility of being infected by others. Both are simply part of life, which is something we understood before the entire world went completely insane over a fairly innocuous virus in 2020. Of course it's courtesy to take some precautions when one is sick, but as you note neither masks nor vaccines work as such, and it's no one's right to demand you do so.

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Agree. A significant part of the problem is a large segment of the population do not view this as a 'fairly innocuous virus'. I know people that in 2021 still thought that the infection fatality rate of this was 20%+. Even today people that contract the virus assume they would be dead if they did not get the miracle vaccine.

However, does your thinking change if the IFR was 30%. Is there ever a communicable disease scenario when it is justifiable to restrict individual rights ?

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That would be something I'd have to have more information and more thought about to draw firm conclusions. Perhaps in some extreme cases and very limited applications, but my instinct is to say no. First, if a disease really had an IFR of 30%, people would be taking their own precautions. People who die of communicable diseases are usually the most vulnerable, and if they wish, they can make their own arrangements to try to avoid infection. Secondly, you simply cannot destroy or debilitate the functioning of human society in order to prevent people getting sick. We have arrived at a technological point where we think we don't need one another, but we are still fundamentally interdependent. Communicable diseases are part of being human and living in human society. Thirdly, I would say it's never acceptable to do something wrong - restrict individual rights - in order that good may come of it. It's impossible to know what the negative consequences will be that outweigh any potential "good" done, which is precisely what we saw during covid. Finally, at a deeper, more spiritual level, we are maybe the second or third generation which has come to expect freedom from death, something no generation before us expected. We are spiritually and morally unprepared for the end which comes to us all, which goes a long way I think to explaining the utterly disproportionate hysteria that accompanies covid. We now think we have a "right" for the government to protect us from infectious diseases, a dangerous and worrying development coming from a profoundly immature instinct.

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Thx for the thoughtful reply. In addition to not being prepared for the end - we are also called to not live in fear ( My church was one of the last places to make masks optional) Amazing how many older people were paralyzed by fear and chose not seeing their children/grandchildren. Not a life well lived....

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Couldn't agree more! Christians should be the last people living in fear, as you well note. "Covid" was really an unveiling of the spiritual state of people, and it did not go well for most.

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Dr. Meryl Nass spoke of 6 things that need to be done to reverse the tyranny:


(the six things are in the last 20 minutes)


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Leslie, this writing states so much truth concerning our contemporary and engulfing culture, government, citizens and leaders. America is presently in a pickle for all of the reasons you have discussed. i can only thank you for being an indefatigable truth warrior and the HFDF work that you do. I am a periodic small donor to the fund and would like to encourage others to do the same. Like you, my wife (high school english teacher) and i stand up for the truth one person at a time and ask God daily for guidance and help in thankfully spreading his glory. God bless you and your work.

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marxist indoctrination

whenever i read those words i can be sure that the writer does not have a clue about the marxist part of it.

a former banker turned philanthropist, yeah right...

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I studied Communism in college - political science was one of my majors and I focused on Communist countries. Marxist thinking is being taught in our schools - I've seen it first hand in my son's high school where I heard very bright students, who now attend Ivy League schools, arguing that they would sacrifice 49% of people to benefit 51%. In my opinion this kind of thinking is abhorrent as I believe each and every action must be judged on its own merits - not the ends justifying the means. IMO, it's never moral or ethical to harm one person in order to help another. And the primacy of the group over the individual is foundational to Marxism - that is not something I support.

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