Brilliant summation.

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Absolutely! 100%.

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Thanks Leslie, you’re a bright warrior in a dark world.❤️

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You are very kind Leah. Thank you! 💕

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Parties: Possibly the main difference between the LEFT and RIGHT parties(Dems v Repubs) is that the Conservative Republicans are a force for GOOD and the Leftist Dems a force for EVIL. Both subgroups are waging internal battles to take over their respective parties.

With nearly complete agreement with your tome, Leslie, I for one, am hopeful that as much "alike" as these Parties appear

. . . I sure pray the Good ones win their battle.

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Would you say Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham are a force for good? I don’t see them as any different than their counterparts on the left, people like Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein. That said, the only path I see forward is more freedom and less government and those pursuing those ideals have my support! I am praying with you!

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You are absolutely correct about McC and Lindsay-boy, Leslie. Swamp creatures. Trump did call out one thing correctly-- they reside in BOTH parties.

and yes, agree "more freedom and less government", you hit the mark there!

In my defense, keep in mind my context:

comparing the FAR LEFT and TRUE conservatives. Examples: Jim Jordan, Ron Johnson, Dr Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Chip Roy, MT Green, etc. -- All patriots, Christian, and a combined force for GOOD.

EDIT! . . . Oh, yeah, just OUT!== > Rick Scott too.

from a text feed. . .

"Senator Rick Scott here. If you missed it, Mitch McConnell removed me from a vital Committee. This is what happens when you challenge leadership in Washington. It's the kind of vintage Washington insider move you will find here in the swamp. But that won't stop me from pushing Senate Republican leaders to act like Republicans.

I stand by my decision to challenge Mitch McConnell for Minority Leader, and I'll continue to fight Washington insiders who make Washington work for THEM instead of YOU. Maybe they will take away my parking spot, next?"

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Yesterday the UK Stock Market hit an all time while paradoxically the nation is in social and financial ruin:


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John, while it’s easy to see that fact as yet more evidence of a Robber Barron type scenario I believe there is another, more positive explanation. The stock market is an index of the value of private assets and private assets are bound by rules that corporate captains can’t simply change at their whim. Government, on the other hand can do that very thing - change the rules and confiscate assets by dictum. The last few years have proven not only the mendacity of government to millions and millions but of their intention to rob of us our assets and enforce a digital prison. Investors are coming to the realization that it is safer to invest in private assets like stocks and as such, they are experiencing a stratospheric rise in anticipation of government defaults and seizures. I interpret it as a clear positive vote against government.

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Leslie, wondering about the implication of your words here: " it is safer to invest in private assets like stocks and as such . . ."

Is the the correct inference then to dump funds and re-direct asset buys to individual stocks instead? Go the Fisher Investment route?

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To be clear, I am saying what I would do. I read Martin Armstrong daily and he argues we are going through a shift from public to private assets (e.g. government bonds to stocks). The governments of the world need to default on their debts - thus the Great Reset - and that means the risk of govt assets has risen. With respect to funds vs. individual stocks, I/we buy individual stocks so they are held in our account, not in the name of a fund manager. HTH.

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That is heartening - thanks, John

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You sound like so many recently displaced and now politically homeless. Welcome.

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Until the early 2000s, I thought everything wrong in the world was Bush Jr. - the first week of the Obama administration disabused me of that naive belief and the past 15 years have reinforced it. It’s interesting to not belong to a side but the view is vastly clearer from this vantage.

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Preach, Sister!!

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Brilliant article. I used to believe all these things too. Covid woke me up!

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Glad to hear it. There is that silver lining for many!

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